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Little Oaks

We provide after-school care from 3.30pm – 6pm every weekday in term time.

The team arrange many varied activities each evening, including sharing a healthy snack.

After School Club sessions must be booked in advance and, please note that strict terms and conditions apply.

They cost £12 per session or £10 if you have another child attending – here or at the Wyvern After School Club.

Please speak to the office team if you would like to book your child in for any of these sessions.


School Ofsted Registration No: 


Bookings and Payment Administration:

Contact the school office 02380 693195 Mon to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm.

After School Club Contact Tel. No:

02380 693195 Option 2


You can also find more information through the links and tabs below. 


Booking Forms 


Registration Forms



Payments and Booking Procedure 

  • All bookings must be made in advance and are a commitment for the academic year.
  • Bookings at the start of the year. Booking forms are sent to all existing users of the club at the start of the summer term and places for the next academic year are allocated as forms are received. Confirmation of the sessions booked will be sent once the booking form has been processed. One week later, booking forms will be sent to the current year 2 parents and the rest of the school and, again, places will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis, with confirmation of the places offered being sent as soon as the form has been processed. If we cannot offer all the required days, the child’s name will be added to a waiting list and if a place becomes available, it will be offered to the person at the top of the list. All booking forms received will be annotated with the date/ time of receipt.
  • Bookings made mid-year/additions to existing bookings. Please contact the school office to check and see if there are any places available on the day(s) you require. If there are places, we will require booking forms to be completed/ will amend your original booking form. If there are no places, we will add the child’s name to the waiting list for that day.
  • Four weeks’ notice are required to cancel the rest of the year’s places, or full fees must be paid in lieu of notice.
  • Places must be paid for whether your child attends or not.
  • If we are unable to offer the provision, e.g. an INSET day or the club is closed, we will not charge for the session.
  • Invoices will be sent at the end of each month for the following month and must be settled by 14th of each month. A late payment surcharge may be applied to the next invoice if payment is not made on time and we reserve the right to cancel a place if payment is regularly late.
  • Payment for bookings made for September must be made by the 14th September. 
  • Payment can be made via Arbor online, or by cash/cheque into the school office. We also accept childcare Vouchers and details of any vouchers you use should be included on your booking form.
  • Club staff are not permitted to accept any payments.

Registration Forms 

  • A registration form must be completed in full, providing contact names, telephone numbers, email address, children’s doctor, allergy information, and special requirements including learning, emotional and behaviour difficulties.
  • The club must be notified immediately of any change to these details, including changes to contact numbers should we need to contact you in an emergency. Children cannot be accepted into the club without a signed form.


  • If children are absent from school or collected from school during the day, please make sure the school office is aware that they should be ‘deleted’ from the After School Club Register for that day. Charges will still apply.
  • If children are attending school but will not be attending club, then it is the parents’ responsibility to advise the school office 24 hours before. No refund will be given.
  • If children are registered to be at the club but do not attend we will call parents, emergency contacts, and if no response we will contact the Social Services and Police.

Children Attending Other Clubs 

  • Parents need to inform the school office if children will be attending any other after school club e.g. The Play Team or a teacher led club, prior to going to the After School Club Childcare provision. Children should register with the After School Club staff first before attending their other club.
  • There is currently an arrangement with The Play Team that there is a reduction in charges for children attending both clubs.
  • Please speak to the office staff about this if you would like to know more. Charges will apply from 3.30pm.


  • Parents must sign their children out from the club on the register held by the Club Leader.
  • You can collect your children at any time during the course of the session but no later than 6.00pm. You will be charged for the whole session, as booked, even if you collect your children earlier.
  • If you have a problem getting to the club on time to collect your children, then the parent must ring the club on Tel 02380 693195, option 2, to advise of the reason for the delay and make alternative arrangements for the collection of the children.
  • If you make alternative arrangements for the collection of your children you need to notify the club, giving details of the person who will be collecting on your behalf and a known password, as supplied on your children’s registration form.
  • If a parent arrives late for any reason after 6.00pm, a charge of £10.00 for the first 10 minutes and then £5 per every 5 minutes following will be applied.
  • If a parent is persistently late in collecting their child after 6pm on 3 or more occasions it may result in the child being withdrawn from Club.
  • If a child fails to be collected from Club by 6pm the child’s parent / main carer will be telephoned at 6.05pm.
  • If a parent/main carer cannot be contacted, the Club Leader will use the child’s emergency contact details to find an alternative designated adult.
  • If a parent or other designated carer for the child cannot be contacted the Club Leader will telephone Children’s Services to arrange for short term emergency care of the child.


The security, health and well-being of our children are our first priority. Therefore -

  • Children will not be permitted to leave the club unaccompanied at any time unless written permission is given by the parents in advance.
  • No mobile phones will be permitted to be used at the club.
  • All visitors must report to the Club Leader upon arrival and sign in.
  • Any unauthorised entry will be treated seriously and may result in police involvement.


  • At times, we may use cameras within the club - these images may be used for newsletters, or our website.
  • We may also use the images for publicity or in news items to promote the club.
  • There are signature boxes on the registration forms to give your consents.

First Aid / Accidents

  • It is important to realise that at times when children and young people are playing, playground accidents can happen. For this reason, we have staff that are qualified in administering first aid.
  • Any minor accidents will be dealt with and recorded.
  • The parent/carer will be informed when collecting children from the club.
  • In case of a more serious accident, the appropriate action will be taken and the parents will be informed immediately.


  • If children are ill during a session, the parent will be contacted.
  • If children suffer from an infection or infectious illness the club will ask the parents to collect the child immediately, with the understanding that children will only be accepted back at the club when they are fit.
  • Please note that 48hrs is the requested time for sickness/stomach bug. This action is necessary for the protection of other children from infections and illness.
  • The club needs to be informed if children are not attending due to illness. Please note you will still be charged.

Child Protection and Safeguarding 

  • We take our responsibility for child protection seriously.
  • All staff will have an enhanced DBS check and be trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection.
  • Staff will follow school procedures for referring any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead who will make the necessary referrals to the local authority.
  • We also have a child protection policy in operation.


  • The club offers a variety of snacks, including fresh fruit, toast & spreads, cheese and crackers etc.
  • Children have access to drinking water throughout the session. This snack does not constitute a full tea.
  • Any food allergies/dietary requirements etc. must be informed at the time of booking.
  • Children are not permitted to bring their own food.


  • Whilst the emphasis of the club is on having fun and to enjoy a range of experiences, it is important to maintain a high level of behaviour for the safety and enjoyment of all. To this end, poor behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • The definition of poor behaviour will be determined by the Club Leader and management. Examples of such behaviour include bullying, vandalism, excessive bad language, physical violence, abusive behaviour/language or anything that puts an individual or group at risk.
  • A child exhibiting unacceptable behaviour will first be spoken to about their behaviour and given an opportunity to demonstrate an improved attitude.
  • Unacceptable behaviour incidents are recorded and given to the child’s parent to sign.
  • If the behaviour continues the child may be withdrawn from the Club after three recorded Behaviour Incidents.
  • In exceptional cases there will be no warning given, such as stealing or purposely causing harm to another.
  • The management reserve the right to refuse entry to any participant at their discretion.
  • There will be no appeal or refund of monies already paid.

Health and Safety


  • All staff are fully trained in emergency and evacuation procedures.
  • Emergency and evacuation procedures will be practised during the club’s timetable.
  • The staff of the club are responsible for completing daily safety inspections of the site and its facilities.
  • All incidents will be recorded in the accident and incident log kept in the club.
  • There will always be qualified first aiders available.
  • Serious incidents will be referred to the appropriate authorities.
  • In warmer weather children should be provided with a hat, sun cream.

Emergency Closure 


  • If the club is closed by the management at short notice, due to very exceptional circumstances i.e. no heating, burst water pipes, etc a full refund will be given for the day(s) the club is closed.
  • We are unable to give refunds if the club is open and the parents make the decision not to send their children.
  • The After School club staff will contact the parents, therefore please ensure that contact numbers are up to date on the registration forms.
  • If the school is closed in an emergency, you will be notified according to our Emergency Closure Procedures and After School Club will not run.

Data Protection 


  • Any information held by the club on participants will be made freely available to them or their parents (proof of ID may be required).
  • Information on other participants will be held in the strictest confidence.
  • Records will be destroyed in accordance with Hampshire County Council’s Retention schedule. 

Equal Opportunities 


  • The club is committed to equality of opportunity for all.
  • We shall endeavour to enable children to adapt, if necessary, to interact socially and to have access to a broad and balanced range of activities.
  • We are committed to provide the appropriate support where necessary to ensure integration.
  • We recognise all children as individuals with different needs.
  • Inappropriate attitudes and behaviours will be dealt with sensitively.
  • All staff will actively uphold the principles of our Equal Opportunities policy.
  • We will regularly review our Equal Opportunities Policy and monitor its effectiveness.

Special Educational Needs 

  • We welcome participants with learning and physical needs.
  • The club is fully equipped to manage a wide range of physical abilities.
  • Every effort will be made to cater for those with special needs; where appropriate activities may be adapted.
  • We will regularly review our Special Needs Policy and monitor its effectiveness.


  • If you have an issue or problem with any aspect of the club, in the first instance talk to the Club Leader on duty who will do their best to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.
  • If this course of action does not resolve the issue or you feel it is not an appropriate course of action, please contact the Headteacher via the School Office.

Waiting List

  • After School Club parents will be notified of the availability of spaces on a first come, first served basis.
Parent Information Leaflet